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Implementing the Anti-Corruption Layer Pattern in React Applications


Discover how the Anti-Corruption Layer pattern can simplify interactions with third-party APIs and component libraries, aiding updates and migrations, while maintaining your React application's integrity.

How To Use the Spread Operator


The spread operator is an easy way to copy, concatenate or merge iterables.

Changing git User for Specific Repo


When working with git you may run into a situation where you need to change the user that's committing changes to a specific repo.

Automated Deployments to Skynet Using GitHub Actions


Automating your Skynet workflow (or any workflow in general) is key to being productive while developing an app. In this post I'll explain how you can leverage Github Actions to automate deployments to Skynet.

Upload Your First Frontend to Web3 Using Skynet


Web3 is the next iteration of the internet following Web2 (what we're currently using). In this article I'll explain how to upload your first decentralized frontend to Skynet, a project leading the charge towards Web3.